Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The cardiac muscle

Random fact of the day:
When resting, humans pump all their blood through their heart in ONE minute.
I learned this a few days ago, and I was impressed! : )

Here are the V cards I made.
(minus the glitter I added after taking the pictures, *sigh*)
I spared my family the nitty gritty details and just labeled the four chambers :)
I should have gone on and to label the superior&inferior vena cava, aorta, the four valves: bicuspid, tricuspid, pulmonary & aortic, the four septa...
etc etc etc

Just like them, you probably don't care either. Haha.

nerdy enough? ;)

my mom is so cute/creative!
she even made rice krispy treats with hearts on top for us when we came home from school.

*I rarely drink soda, but it was red. so what the heck :)

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! <3

p.s. if you want to see my valentine's day board on pinterest, click here.

1 comment:

i love comments; they're the best.
:) thanks for stopping by & have a blessed day.